Climate-Style Your Clothes (Part 2)


How do we give ourselves the thrill of retail therapy without the environmental hangover? Well our last article was about caring for our existing wardrobe, so today is about choosing our future one!

✅ As always, start with “rethink” – before you buy, ask yourself “How much will I wear it? How much do I already own? How long will it last?” Resist the impulse to buy vast numbers of cheap items in favour of investing in a few quality pieces. Simply put, buy less & buy better!

✅ Buy second hand – it doesn’t only have to be a trip to Vincent’s Shop, there are plenty of unique pre-loved items on places like GABSS and Depop. Alternatively attend (or host) a “swishing event” or even raid your friend’s wardrobe!

✅ Avoid polyester and nylon – these petroleum-based (plastic) fabrics take forever to break down once binned and shed thousands of microfibers when washed that end up polluting our rivers and oceans (and ultimately end up in our bodies).

✅ Choose certified organic fabrics – e.g. GOTS certified organic cotton is grown without harmful pesticides, requires less energy & water, and uses sustainable fertilising practices.

✅ Buy locally-made fashion – this will reduce air-miles. However, supporting great sustainable brands from overseas is nearly always better than buying fast fashion made locally.

✅ Support climate-conscious brands – those with a circular or zero-waste ethos produce clothes with the lowest carbon impact. You can find the who’s who of “wonderful” to “deplorable” when it comes to animal, people and planetary impacts by visiting (or download their free app).

So if we want to avoid the toxic impacts associated with conventional textiles, shop less, mend more, and buy organic, ethical & durable.
Let’s wear the change we want to see!

#gdsec #climatestyleyourclothes #climateaction #SDG13 #lifebelowwater #SDG14 #lifeonland #SDG15 #responsibleconsumption #SDG12


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