Holiday Chez Nous


“Sure it’d be a grand country if you put a roof on it” was a phrase oft heard, but with a rapidly changing climate, the last few years have featured a previous unknown… long periods of scorching summer sun. So ever the opportunists, we’ve realised we don’t need to travel 1,000’s of energy-intensive fossil fueled miles to now enjoy a break.

🛏️ Whether you feel like riding an e-bike along the Wild Atlantic Way or try glamping under the stars at Finn Lough, Ireland is full of sustainable places to lay your head… Breac House, Delphi Resort, Nire Valley Eco Camp, The Falls Hotel & Spa, The Wicklow Escape, The Dolphin Eco Hotel, Ard Nahoo, Rock Farm Slane, Native Cabins, Two Green Shoots, Blackstairs Eco Trails, Hotel Doolin, Podumna Village, Westport Woods Hotel, The Hendrick Smithfield, Gregan’s Castle and Wren Urban Nest to name a few!

✅ Beyond the “green” destination, try incorporating these tips – don’t travel far, make the most of your local surroundings; choose the train, bus or ship over flying; bring your own reusable keep-cup & water bottle; opt for digital rather than paper maps & brochures; pack light to cut down on the emissions produced by getting you there; carbon offset your travel; use public transport rather than hiring a car; avoid places suffering from over-tourism; bring your own travel toiletries; eat local produce; try some tasty vegetarian or vegan food; walk or cycle to get around whenever possible; and leave no trace.

So for your next break, go treat yourself a stylish & sustainable staycation!

#gdsec #holidaycheznous #climateaction #SDG13

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